Guangzhou delegation seeks cooperation in Europe
A Guangzhou delegation led by Mr. Tu Hongzhe, the Vice Counsel of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Guangzhou Municipal Government, wrapped up an eight-day visit in Spain and Portugal from Nov 3 to 10.
Global thought leaders brainstorm ideas for urban mobility in Guangzhou
The 2nd Workshop for Thought Leaders is getting underway at Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, attracting global experts to focus on innovation in urban transportation for the future city, from Oct 30 to Nov 3.
Excellent urban innovation shared in Guangzhou
The ninth Urban Innovation Forum, an event focusing on sharing excellent urban innovation with Guangzhou citizens, was held at Guangzhou Library on Sept 16.
Guangzhou delegates take part in sustainable study tour
From Sept 6 to 15, a Guangzhou research group completed a series of peer review tours, focused on energy, environment and sustainable development.
Guangzhou award research group further peer review tours in Europe
A research group rounded off peer review tours in three European countries to learn about innovative urban management practices and promote exchanges from Aug 30 to Sept 8.
Civil engagement in urban planning highlighted in peer review tour to Jakarta
Officials from the secretariat of United Cities and Local Governments Asia-Pacific (UCLG-ASPAC) and a staff member of the Guangzhou International Award for Urban Innovation (Guangzhou Award) also joined this peer review tour.
Guangzhou to boost outdoor leisure industry
Guangzhou is seeking out the diversified development of the outdoor leisure industry, according to the eighth Urban Innovation Forum held at Guangzhou Library on Aug 26.
Nomination for award boosts city's confidence
Ethiopian capital's projects aim to improve public transportation to level of middle-income countries.