Guangzhou Award calls for global participants in "Green Week"
The "Guangzhou Award Green Week", aiming to encourage global fans to share green and environmental information and take action to contribute to the sustainable urban development, is under way on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin. The event will run until Nov 19.
Launched by Guangzhou International Award for Urban Innovation (Guangzhou Award), the first "Guangzhou Award Green Week" event, themed on "Let's go green", is an important attempt by the Guangzhou Award to support and implement the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the "New Urban Agenda".
The "Guangzhou Award Green Week" event focuses on promoting sustainable and green lifestyle by encouraging global fans to take action and start from small things around them that help reduce the adverse impact on the urban environment.
Green lifestyles benefit both people and environment. By practicing the concept of green living in all aspects of life and living in a natural, eco-friendly, frugal and healthy way, people can make their environment more sustainable and harmonious.
If you follow "@GuangzhouInternationalAwardForUrbanInnovation" on Facebook and join the "Let's Go Green" event and join the campaign, you will be rewarded with a sustainable and useful gift.
Further information
In September 2015, world leaders unanimously adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, commonly referred to as the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The goals present a blueprint for sustainable development planning in the next 15 years and call on all countries in the world to take action and meet the challenge of the world's three interlinked elements of sustainable development: economic growth, social inclusion and environmental sustainability.
In addition, in October 2016, the Third United Nations Conference on Housing and Urban Sustainable Development (Habitat III) adopted the outcome document "New Urban Agenda", which guides the sustainable development of cities in the next two decades and reiterates global commitment to sustainable urban development.
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