Tel Aviv, Israel
The Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality Residents Club - "Digitel"
Background Information
Tel Aviv-Yafo will enable clients to choose the communication channels that are most convenient to them for receiving information and services, and will encourage continuous and accessible use of the digital connection with them. It will also initiate proactive provision of information to clients, facilitate the digital delivery of all its services, make use of cutting-edge technologies to create high quality and customized services, enable its clients to take part in a democratic dialog regarding social issues both on the municipal website and through additional means, establish electronic working relationships with different levels of government, nonprofit organizations and the private sector in order to create uniformity in the delivery of public services to its clients, and maintain the client's confidentiality while ensuring the secure delivery of information.
Goals of the Initiative
To implement the new approach, it was necessary to change how the management of municipal information and knowledge was perceived, in conjunction with state-of-the-art technology that facilitates the circulation of information to residents based on the criteria that were set. The process used to manage municipal knowledge made it possible to decentralize how municipal information is updated by hundreds of city employees from different departments, who provide it to the public using a fixed format. The Municipal Knowledge Administration monitors the updating processes and circulates the information to residents based on the predefined criteria. The Computerization Division implemented technology makes it possible to feed information to residents according to factors such as their geographical location, life situation, and fields of interest.
Innovation for the Initiative
The establishment of the Digitel Club is a unique initiative and, to the best of our knowledge, is a groundbreaking project carried out for the first time in the public sector. The vision that was presented to the city's leadership set a high target to achieve. It meant that the municipality would accompany residents throughout the different stages of their life, while adopting a municipal overview of the services and the individual information that are relevant to resident's daily activities. To implement the vision, the municipality had to begin viewing the resident from their perspective and not from the perspective of the organizational structure characterizing the municipality's various departments. As the municipality is a large and hierarchal body, the new approach posed a huge challenge in terms of changing the organizational culture of managers and employees alike. It also necessitated an examination of the information and services required by residents based on their life, the surroundings they live in, and their fields of interest. This approach, according to which information and services are tailored to the client based on their preferences, demographic traits and consumption habits, is taken from the corporate world and is less known in the municipal sphere, which makes the project particularly innovative.
Outcomes and Assessments
The new system enables the municipality to involve residents in initiatives, activities, events and plans. Consequently, the individual resident no longer has to search for the information, but rather it is sent to him directly and in a focused manner, making his daily life in the city and contacts with the municipality much easier. In today's world, where the flow of information is infinite, it is a highly important service, especially for a public body that is not driven by economic interests. Furthermore, the special offers/discounts given to residents by cultural institutions and various business establishments in the city contribute to reinforcing a sense of identification with the city and promotes the business sector. We are witness to an increase in the consumption of information and municipal services by residents. Business establishments report that after the relevant information is circulated, there is a rise in the consumption of their products and services as the information is in fact tailored to the residents' needs and preferences. The very ability to supply residents with information tailored to their needs is also of great assistance during times of crisis, when the municipality has to provide customized information to residents in different parts of the city. The fact that many different bodies in Israel and abroad have asked to learn more about the project is proof of the widespread change that has occurred in how the provision of services to residents is perceived and in the implementation of sophisticated municipal management methods.
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