Lisbon, Portugal
Lisbon Local Development Strategy for Neighborhoods or Areas of Priority Intervention (BIP/ZIP)
Background Information
The proposal of a program to rehabilitate a "priority neighborhoods intervention" arises under the Lisbon objectives of the Local Housing Program (PLH), approved by municipal bodies in late 2009. Lisbon’s PLH set eight general objectives. One theme is “Improving the City – Improving the quality of urban life and territorial cohesion” as one of the primary goals the innovation and social entrepreneurship supports. Lisbon municipality, in 2008, decided to elaborate the Lisbon Local Housing Program (PLH), approved by the City Council on November 11, 2009, and by the Municipal Assembly on January 12, 2010. The project involved the urban area and connects with all metropolitan areas. The first task involved the construction of the concept of Neighborhoods Priority Intervention, which was built from the definition of “Critic Neighborhood” (Resolution of the Ministers Council 142/2005 of August 2), and socio-economic, urban and environmental situations.
Goals of the Initiative
We have identified 67 Priority Intervention Neighborhoods (BIP) or Zones (ZIP) in Lisbon, through an active participation methodology, which has been translated into the BIP/ZIP Map, and now is part of the Municipal Master Plan. The whole process has been accompanied by both local council and local parliament discussions, which have demanded intense political negotiation, as these two local government entities share different political majorities. This new policy has two primary levels of intervention: urban regeneration and partnerships, and local intervention, and are intended to change the way we intervene in the territory and to:
•Achieve a tangible impact on citizens’ lives
•Promote social cohesion in the city
•Provide support for local projects and partnerships
•Promote local networks
•Reconcile the visions of decision-makers with the ideas and visions of citizens
To develop this new city policy, a coordination team (GT BIP/ZIP) was set up under the Body for Housing and Social Cohesion. This team has the responsibility for monitoring the overall BIP/ZIP initiative and coordinating the local development projects executed by the local partners with overall municipal support.
Innovation for the Initiative
The initiative is considered revolutionary, because it changes the way we act and manage the territory, changes paradigms, promotes the management model from the bottom-up, and allows citizen participation in local development initiatives (projects and plans). Basically the idea is to develop a model of joint-management between City Council and local associations.
Outcomes and Assessments
The changes presented in two levels:
•the City Hall level:
a)Greater cooperation and proximity between decision makers and local stakeholders/citizens;
b)Coordination of response in territories BIP / ZIP;
c)Greater incorporation of local participation as a model of management/ implementation / municipal responses in different sectors/areas;
d)Political consensus on the BIP/ZIP concept/methodology and results.
•the communities/local level:
a)More transparency and confidence in the public decision making process;
b)More confidence in municipality services;
c)Increased interest in volunteering and active participation;
d)Increased partnerships / networks / local cooperation to meet different challenges;
e)Increased capability of local organization to promote local initiative/response/change;
f)More efficient management of available resources (financial/non-financial);
g)Process of co-responsibility, with an extremely high level of appropriation and sense of belonging of the initiatives and results;
h)Mutual process(local/administration/community) of accountability of the results;
i)High rate of success measured through effectiveness and sustainability of the initiatives and actions.
j)Quicker and more effective response to local issues and changes.
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