Jury Members of the 1st Guangzhou Award
Chair: Dr. Joan Clos
Executive Director of the UN-Habitat
Jury (4 members):
1. Mr. Yu Keping
Chair of the Technical Committee, Director of the Center for Chinese Government Innovations (CCGI), Beijing University (China)
2. Ms. Margareta Wahlström
Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction
3. Mr. Cecil Steward
Dean Emeritus and Emeritus professor of architecture and planning at the University of Nebraska College of Architecture in Lincoln
4. Mr. Yves Cabannes
Chair of Development Planning, the Bartlett Development Planning Unit, University College London
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City Stories | Sao José dos Pinhais, Brazil Digital Technology and Social Participation in Surveillance and Definition of Priority Areas and Actions for the Control of Yellow Fever in Brazil