Technical Committee Members of the 4th Guangzhou Award
1. Mr. Enrique R. Silva, TC Chair
Associate Director, Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) program, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy (LILP)
2. Mr. Greg Budworth, TC Member
Group Managing Director, Compass Housing Services Co Ltd; Vice President, General Assembly of Partners, UN-HABITAT
3. Mr. Luigi Cipolla, TC Member
Senior Urban Planner, EGIS International in Indonesia; member, ISOCARP (2007- )
4. Mr. Ali El-Faramawy, TC Member
Professor, Architectural Design, Department of Architecture & Urban Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University; Executive Director, Informal Settlement Development Facility (ISDF), Office of the Prime Minister, Government of Egypt (2009-2013); Senior Human Settlement Officer, Regional Office for Africa and Arab States, UN-HABITAT (2007-2008)
5. Ms. Kirstin Mille, TC Member
Executive Director, Eco-City Builders
6. Mr. Lookman Oshodi, TC Member
Jury Member, Pilot Projects (2018-2020), METROPOLIS; Project Director, Arctic Infrastructure (AI)
7. Ms. Wandia Seaforth, TC Member
Former Chief, Best Practices, UN-HABITAT
8. Ms. Elisa Silva, TC Member
Director, Enlace Arquitectura; Senior Advisor, CAF-Development Bank of Latin American; Consultant, UN-HABITAT; Professor, Simon Bolívar University; Visiting Professor, Harvard University
9. Mr. Anthony G.O. Yeh, TC Member
Chan To-Hann Professor in Urban Planning and Design, Chair Professor of Department of Urban Planning and Design, Director of GIS Research Centre, University of Hong Kong; Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Academician, Academy of Social Sciences, UK
10. Ms. Belinda Yuen, TC Member
Research Director, Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities, Singapore University of Technology & Design; elected President, Singapore Institute of Planners (2005-2008)
11. Mr. Carlos E. Zaballa, TC Member
Professor, University of Buenos Aires; Special Consultant for supporting G20 Engagement Groups, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Argentina; Member, Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), United Nations (2011-2014)
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