Jury Members of the 4th Guangzhou Award
Members of the Jury
(in alphabetical order of last name)
1. Ms. Eugenie L. Birch, FAICP, RTPI (hon), FacSS; Nussdorf Chair for Urban Research, School of Design, University of Pennsylvania; Chair, UN-HABITAT’s World Urban Campaign (2014-2016); President, General Assembly of Partners (2015 to present);
2. Mr. Aníbal Gaviria Correa, Governor, Antioquia, Colombia (2004-2007); Mayor, Medellín, Colombia (2012-2015);
3. Ms. Jacqueline Moustache-Belle, Mayor, Victoria, Seychelles (2012-2016); Former President, Association of the Districts of Victoria; Former Co-President, United Cities and Local Governments; Former Vice President, Africa Eastern Region, United Cities and Local Governments;
4. Mr. Wang Jin Seo, President, Seoul Institute;
5. Ms. Celia Wade-Brown, Mayor, Wellington, New Zealand (2010-2016); Chair, Jury, 2018 Guangzhou International Award for Urban Innovation;
6. Ms. Beate Weber-Schuerholz, Member, European Parliament (1979-1990); Mayor, Heidelberg, Germany (1990-2006); Chair, Commission on Economic Development and the Internal Market, German Federal Organisation of Municipalities (2003-2006); Member, Special Task Force, “Good City Models under the Concept of Ecological Civilization” of CCICED (2014);
7. Mr. Zhiqiang Wu, Member, German Academy of Science and Engineering (Acatech); Academician, Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA); Vice President, Tongji University;
8. Ms. Xiaohua Sun (as the special representative of Mr. Zhiqiang Wu), Vice Dean, College of Design & Innovation, Tongji University.
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