Guangzhou delegation researches shortlisted initiative in Rio De Janeiro
At the invitation of Rio de Janeiro City Council, the Guangzhou delegation, headed by Vice President of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Guangzhou Committee Mr. Yang Jiancheng, visited Rio on May 17 to 18 to research its world leading Emergency Control Center -- one of the shortlisted initiatives of the 2nd Guangzhou Award. Head of International Relations of the Mayor’s Office -- Mr. Laudemar Agular met with the delegation. Adviser to the International Relations Office of Rio City Hall, Mrs. Liana Luz illustrated the running process of the center and the control center team had a roundtable discussion with the delegation to specify details about the initiative. The delegation also visited the control room and media room of the control center.
Representatives on behalf of Rio de Janeiro’s mayor met with the delegation and discussed promoting friendly exchanges between two cities.
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