Nilüfer, Türkiye
Nilufer Food Living Lab(NFLL) and Nilüfer Social Entrepreneurship Center
A. Nilufer Food Living Lab(NFLL)
· Population size: 536365
· Population Growth Rate(%): 3.47
· Surface Area (sq. km): 507.56
· Population Density (people/ 949.32
· GDP Per Capita (U.S.$): 10616.1
· GINI Index: 0.4
· URL/Webpage of your local government and your initiative:
· Main Source of Prosperity (e.g. industry, trade, tourism, creative industry, etc.): İndustry
The general purpose of the “Nilüfer Gıda Living Lab (NGLL)” project, which strengthen the transformation of food systems in the Nilüfer ecosystem; supporting local production actors; To plan a sustainable urban food system with citizen-oriented, environmentally friendly, and innovative approaches where resources are used effectively and to ensure that citizens have access to healthy food in line with the "FOOD 2030" policy priorities. With the project, activities are carried out with the participation of all stakeholders in the food ecosystem to prevent future food problems and to create a more efficient and sustainable food ecosystem.
Project FOOD2030 priorities have been planned in line with the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 11th, 12th, and 13th objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals, by prioritizing them in the 2022 - 2024 Nilüfer Municipality Strategic Plan. With the activities to be carried out within the scope of the project, the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact was signed and studies were carried out within this framework.
It is difficult for the citizens living in Nilüfer, which is developing and the population rate to increase, to reach healthy and fresh food products. The Nilüfer Food Living Lab project aims to strengthen the healthy food ecosystem of Nilüfer Municipality, to facilitate everyone's access to healthy food, and to work on climate change.
With the NFLL project, a Food Commission working under the Nilüfer Municipality Council, and a Food Council working with a participatory policy under the Nilüfer Citizens Council were established. A Food Policy is being prepared with the participation of everyone in the food ecosystem. NFLL Project was implemented on 01.01.2021. Many actions have been taken since the start of the project and all activities planned to be carried out until 31.12.2024 have been planned.
NFLL is working on a short supply chain by combining traditional and modern methods in the food system, bringing together everyone in the food ecosystem. It aims to ensure that healthy food products reach directly to the consumer directly. The working areas of the Environment Commission in Nilüfer Municipality Council were expanded and restructured as the Environment, Agriculture, and Food Commission. Nilüfer Municipality declared 2021 as the Year of Agriculture and 2022 as Year of Climate.
Nilüfer Municipality acts together with 2 partners during the implementation phase of the project: Together with NILKOOP, which is the partner of the project in the field of agricultural production and food, studies are carried out to make the agricultural lands within the body of Nilüfer Municipality more natural, ecological and sustainable. Work is underway for the preparation of the Nilüfer Food Policy together with NCC, which is the partner of the project in policy-making and participation.
Financial support is provided by Nilüfer Municipality. Each directorate in the project allocates and spends a share for the project from budgets determined every year. Manpower and expertise support is received from the project partners. In addition, NFLL has been awarded a grant by the European Union with the grant agreement numbered 101000717 within the scope of the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program. Part of the project is funded under the “Fostering the Urban Food System Transformation through Innovative Living Labs Implementation (FUSILLI)” Project.
Nilüfer Municipality (NM) declared 2020 as the Year of Agriculture and focused on agricultural activities. During the events that took place throughout the year, it was understood that more work should be done in this area and the foundations of the NFLL project began to be laid. With the experience gained from previous years and the 2020 Agriculture Year, NM implemented NFLL in 2021 and declared 2021 as the Year of Food. In 2022, NM continued to work with the Climate Year concept by further expanding working areas. This process, which has evolved for a long time, is now gathered in one place and is being carried out as the Nilüfer Food Living Lab project.
48 actions were determined in production, consumption, distribution, governance, and combating food waste, which are the main actors in the food ecosystem. In order to implement a total of 48 actions, 92 activities were created. As of now,114 of these sustainable activities have been implemented. Actions taken include the establishment of FoodHub, establishment of Bostan sales points, establishment of food commission, establishment of food council, opening of farmers' markets, signing of MUFFP, and conduct of sustainable food studies with farmers.
During the implementation phase of the NFLL project, there are concrete outputs such as FoodHub and Bostan sales points. Data on events and products sold here are kept. Signatures of participants are taken and kept at every event, every training and meeting held. These data are divided into areas such as age and gender. The project has been developed and implemented in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG11, SDG5, SDG3, SDG10, SDG1, SDG2), the priorities and objectives of the European Commission's Food2030 and Milan Pact. In the 2022-2024 Strategic Plan of Nilüfer Municipality, it is measured and sustainable with the targets and performance program under the objectives of "Economic Development", "Ecological Balance" and "Rural Development".
NFLL generally works on the food and agricultural ecosystem in Nilüfer. While it is applied to
establish a healthy food ecosystem, it also facilitates access to healthy food for citizens with low socio-economic status.
NM is aimed that everyone living in Nilüfer can benefit from NFLL. Up to now, over 1000 seeds and seedlings have been distributed for roof gardening, more than 2000 children have been educated, and healthy food has been produced with over 100 women. In addition, products are sold at open Bostan Sales Points and Farmers' Markets. More than 200 citizens benefit from "Halkkart", which is offered to facilitate the access of citizens with low socio-economic status.
Goal 1: End poverty in all of its forms
Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture
Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages
Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable
Studies are carried out to reduce carbon emissions with the data obtained from the air quality measurement station in Nilüfer, and the food wastes formed are converted into compost, animal new, etc. forms are reused.
Target 6: Improve air quality and manage municipal and other wastes
Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
B. Nilüfer Social Entrepreneurship Center
Social Entrepreneurship Center, which is the first in Turkey for local governments, in order to increase capacity of social entrepreneurship and to support social business models. Main aim of the project; to increase socio-economic development level of Bursa city by contributing to development and expansion of social entrepreneurship ecosystem, which can produce innovative approaches and solutions to problems and needs, with active participation of all stakeholders of society.
Specific objectives of the project are as follows:
− To establish an umbrella organization in order to strengthen social entrepreneurship ecosystem of Bursa and to increase its capacity on the subject,
− To reveal, develop and support business ideas that will create social impact by increasing capacity of local social entrepreneurs,
− Developing an exemplary model for local governments on social entrepreneurship,
− To raise awareness about social entrepreneurship,
− To increase capacity of Nilüfer Municipality on “Social Entrepreneurship” with the center in order to contribute to construction of a society that produces solutions to social problems.
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