5th Guangzhou Award Report on Local Implementation of SDGs
5th Guangzhou Award Report on Local Implementation of SDGs
Amanda T. Lloyd,Tupa-omukumo Iyambo,Roger Lawe,Enrique R. Silva,Jose Siri,Nicholas You
This report focuses largely on urban innovation lessons drawn from the Guangzhou Award as they relate to the COVID-19 pandemic response and the eight SDGs under review at the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) in July 2021. To address interdependencies within the SDGs and the initiatives, the report has been grouped broadly into five areas for analysis and presentation of lessons learned. These five areas are:
Download:5th Guangzhou Award Report on Local Implementation of SDGs1. Cities Taking a Measure of the SDGs
2. Cities Increasing Health and Well-being (SDG 1,2,3)
3. Cities Ensuring Sustainable Economic Growth and consumption ( SDG 8,12)
4. Cities Protecting the Climate and Environment (SDG 13)
5. Cities Building Just and Inclusive Societies (SDG 10,16)
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