2018-10-19 10:01:05
全球市长论坛暨第四届广州国际城市创新奖及2018广州国际城市创新大会将于2018年12月6日-8日在中国广州举行。会议以“全球开放,包容创新(Global Openness and Inclusive Innovation)”为主题,期间将通过全体大会、主题论坛和分论坛等形式,围绕五大发展理念,对大湾区建设、“一带一路”倡议、规划建设、交通出行、国际合作、产业发展等热点话题进行讨论交流。同时,还将举办第四届广州奖评选和颁奖、广州国际城市创新展览、参观考察等内容丰富的主题活动。
- In Focus|Exploring Sustainable Innovations in Urban Sanitation Facilities
- City Stories | S?o José dos Pinhais, Brazil Digital Technology and Social Participation in Surveillance and Definition of Priority Areas and Actions for the Control of Yellow Fever in Brazil
- Echo of Cities | Xianning, China: Co-creating a new chapter in a child-friendly city
- Empowering a Low-Carbon Future through Urban Innovation